嗜血牙医 720p,嗜血医师

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《嗜血牙医》(The Bloodthirsty Dentist)是Christine Whitlo导演的加拿大电影。该电影由James Patrick Pettitt,Trevor Crane,David Squires担任主演。


1. 嗜血 (n.) bloodthirstiness, the tendency to crave or enjoy bloodshed

嗜血牙医 720p,嗜血医师

2. 牙医 (n.) dentist, a medical professional who specializes in oral health and treats diseases and conditions of the teeth and gums

3. 牙科医生 (n.) dental practitioner, a doctor who provides dental care and treatment


1. bloodthirsty [ˈblʌdˌθɜrsti] (adj.) - having a strong desire for bloodshed or violence

2. dentist [ˈdɛntɪst] (n.) - a medical professional who specializes in oral health and treats diseases and conditions of the teeth and gums


- 嗜血:英 [blʌdˈθə:sti] 美 [blʌdˈθɝ:sti]

- 牙医:英 [ˈden.tɪst] 美 [ˈden.t̬ɪst]


1. I have got toothache, so I must go to a dentist. (我牙疼,所以我必须去看牙医。)

2. The bloodthirsty vampire dentist is the main antagonist in the horror movie. (那个嗜血的吸血鬼牙医是恐怖电影中的主要反派。)

3. The dentist examined my teeth and recommended a filling for a cavity. (牙医检查了我的牙齿,建议给蛀牙做充填治疗。)


1. vampire [ˈvæmpaɪər] (n.) - a mythical creature that feeds on the blood of the living

- 例句:In folklore, vampires are often portrayed as immortal beings with fangs and a thirst for blood. (在民间传说中,吸血鬼通常被描绘为拥有尖牙和嗜血的不死生物。)

- 近义词:bloodsucker, undead

- 反义词:human, mortal

2. antagonist [ænˈtæɡənɪst] (n.) - a person or force that opposes or competes with the protagonist in a story or movie

- 例句:The antagonist in the novel is a cunning detective who tries to outsmart the main character. (小说中的反派是一个狡猾的侦探,试图智取主角。)

- 近义词:adversary, enemy

- 反义词:protagonist, ally

3. cavity [ˈkævəti] (n.) - a hole or hollow area in something, especially in a tooth caused by decay

- 例句:The dentist found several cavities during my check-up and recommended fillings. (牙医在我的检查中发现了几个蛀牙,并建议进行充填治疗。)

- 近义词:hole, hollow

- 反义词:solid, intact

通过以上的解释,我们可以了解到《嗜血牙医》是一部由Christine Whitlo导演的加拿大电影,讲述了一个关于嗜血吸血鬼牙医的故事。牙医在英语中是"dentist"这个单词来表示,他们专门处理牙齿和牙龈的疾病和问题。在电影中,这个嗜血的吸血鬼牙医成为了主要的反派角色。我们还学到了一些相关的词汇,比如吸血鬼(vampire)、反派角色(antagonist)和蛀牙(cavity)等。



1. 你听说过《嗜血牙医》这部电影吗?你对这个题材感兴趣吗?

2. 你去看过牙医吗?有什么关于看牙医的经历或故事可以分享吗?

3. 你知道其他与牙医相关的英文单词吗?请分享一些你知道的词汇。


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