1. 朵拉 (Duǒ lā):爱探险的朵拉 (Dora the Explorer),一部美国的儿童动画片,讲述了一个七岁的女孩朵拉和她的猴子朋友布特斯。在这部动画片中,朵拉会教孩子们说英语,帮助他们学习基本的单词和短语。
- Dora: Dora the Explorer, an American childrens animated television series that follows the adventures of a seven-year-old girl named Dora and her monkey friend Boots. In this show, Dora teaches children to speak English and helps them learn basic words and phrases.
2. 教 (jiāo):通过传授知识、技能或道德价值观等方式,使别人学会某种技能或知识。
- Teach: To impart knowledge, skills, or moral values to someone by instructing or providing information.
3. 英语 (Yīng yǔ):属于印欧语系日耳曼语族西日耳曼分支的一种语言,是世界上使用最广泛的第二语言。它以英国为母语国家,并且被广泛地在全球范围内作为第二语言被使用。
- English: A language belonging to the West Germanic branch of the Germanic languages within the Indo-European language family. It is primarily spoken in England and is widely used as a second language around the world.
1. Dora (noun):A female given name; also the name of a popular childrens animated character.
- Example sentence: Dora is a brave and adventurous girl.
2. Teach (verb):To impart knowledge or skill to someone by instruction or example.
- Example sentence: My mother teaches English at a local school.
3. English (noun):The language of England, widely spoken as a first language by the majority of people in the United Kingdom and as a second language by millions of people worldwide.
- Example sentence: I am learning English to communicate with people from different countries.
1. 朵拉是一位善良而勇敢的女孩,她总是乐于帮助别人。
- Dora is a kind and brave girl who always loves to help others.
2. 她的父母为了让她学好英语,给她请了一位专业的英语老师。
- Her parents hired a professional English teacher for her to ensure she learns English well.
3. 在朵拉的教导下,孩子们充满了学习英语的兴趣,并且提高了他们的口语表达能力。
- Under Doras guidance, children have developed an interest in learning English and improved their speaking skills.
1. 动画片 (dòng huà piàn):以连续照片或图像快速播放所创造出来的动态影像,通常用于儿童节目和电影。
- Animation: A dynamic image created by playing a series of photographs or images quickly, often used in childrens shows and movies.
2. 学习 (xué xí):通过获取知识或技能,提高自己的认知和能力。
- Learn: To acquire knowledge or skills to enhance ones understanding and abilities.
3. 短语 (duǎn yǔ):由两个或多个单词组成的固定搭配,具有特定的意义。
- Phrase: A fixed combination of two or more words that has a specific meaning.