重阳节 英语 关于重阳节是哪天?重阳节是庆祝什么的?重阳节人们做什么?用英语回答?

谎言的背后谎言的背后 2023-05-18 03:11:10 37 阅读


September lunar month festival. 农历九月初九是重阳节。 The Double Ninth Festival and other traditional festivals, is a family reunion festival; also a commemorate the ancestors of the family. In Singapore, there are still a part of the Double Ninth Festival Hall retained the custom of worship, called "autumn festival". 重阳节和其他传统节日一样,是家人团聚的佳节;也是一个纪念祖先的家人。在新加坡,仍有一部分会馆保留重阳节祭祖的习俗,叫做“秋祭”。 September lunar month, month daily average is nine, Shuangyang is named, the double ninth festival. The main festival festival activities is climbing, chrysanthemum, drink chrysanthemum wine, eat cake, cornel. 农历九月初九,月日均是九数,双阳相重,故名重阳节。重阳节主要节俗活动是登高、赏菊、喝菊花酒、插茱萸、还要吃糕。

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重阳节 英语 关于重阳节是哪天?重阳节是庆祝什么的?重阳节人们做什么?用英语回答?


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