1. 关灯(guān dēng):关闭灯光。例如,在离开房间之前,记得关灯。
- Turn off the light: to switch off the lights. For example, remember to turn off the light before leaving the room.
2. 熄灭灯光(xī miè dēng guāng):使灯光完全熄灭。
- Extinguish the light: to make the light completely go out.
3. 关闭照明(guān bì zhào míng):停止提供照明。
- Shut down the lighting: to stop providing illumination.
1. Turn off the light
2. Switch off the light
3. Douse the glim
Turn off the light: [tɜːrn ɒf ðə laɪt]
Switch off the light: [swɪtʃ ɒf ðə laɪt]
Douse the glim: [daʊs ðə ɡlɪm]
1. 你记得我们出来之前关灯了吗?
Do you remember switching the lights off before we came out?
2. 别忘了关灯,节约能源。
Dont forget to turn off the light and save energy.
3. 我刚刚关了灯,所以现在房间很暗。
I just turned off the light, so its quite dark in here.
1. Remember (记得):to have in or be able to bring to ones mind an awareness of someone or something from the past.
2. Switch off (关掉):to turn off (a light, machine, etc.) by operating a switch.
3. Save energy (节约能源):to use less energy in order to help protect the environment.
通过以上解释,我们可以学到关于关灯的英文表达方式。当我们要关闭灯光时,可以使用"Turn off the light"或"Switch off the light"这两个短语。还可以使用"Douse the glim"这个词组来形象地描述熄灭灯光的动作。
如果我们想表达在离开房间之前记得关灯,可以说"Do you remember switching the lights off before we came out?"或"Dont forget to turn off the light and save energy."
关于重点词汇方面,我们学到了remember的意思是记得某事或某人。switch off表示通过操作开关关闭(灯、机器等),save energy意味着为了保护环境而使用更少的能源。