1. 汕头 (Shantou)
- 中文释义:广东省的一个城市
- 英文释义:A city in Guangdong Province
- 例句:
- 我在汕头生活了很多年。 (I have lived in Shantou for many years.)
- 汕头是一个发展迅速的城市。 (Shantou is a rapidly developing city.)
- 汕头有许多美食值得品尝。 (There are many delicious foods to try in Shantou.)
- 重点词汇:
- 广东省 (Guangdong Province):Chinas southern province known for its economic development and rich cultural heritage.
- 城市 (city):An urban area with a large population and various economic and social activities.
- 中文释义:汕头旧称
- 英文释义:The old name for Shantou
- 例句:
- SWATOW是汕头的旧称,现在已经不常用了。 (Swatow is the old name for Shantou, but it is not commonly used anymore.)
- 我爷爷奶奶说他们小时候都叫SWATOW。 (My grandparents say that they used to call it Swatow when they were young.)
- 重点词汇:
- 旧称 (old name):A previous or former name that was used to refer to something before its current name.
- 中文释义:汕头的拼音翻译
- 英文释义:The transliteration of Shantou in Pinyin
- 例句:
- SHANTOU是汕头的拼音翻译。 (Shantou is the transliteration of Shantou in Pinyin.)
- 很多城市的英文标注都是按照SHANTOU翻译的。 (Many cities have their English names translated as SHANTOU.)
- 重点词汇:
- 拼音 (Pinyin):The official romanization system for standard Mandarin Chinese.