
夢在遠方夢在遠方 2024-03-26 10:30:03 13 阅读


1. 你确定吗:用于询问对方是否对某事情有足够的把握和信心。


2. 确保,确信:表达自己对某件事情的确认和肯定。

3. 确认,核实:指对某事物进行验证或证实。

英文单词:are you sure

美式发音:/ɑr juː ʃʊr/

英式发音:/ɑː juː ʃʊə/


1. Are you sure you want to quit your job? (你确定要辞职吗?)

2. Im not sure if she will be there tonight. (我不确定她今晚会不会在那里。)

3. He is not sure about the meeting time. (他对会议时间不确定。)


1. determine(确定)- to decide or settle (a dispute, question, etc.) conclusively


2. confident(自信的)- having strong belief or full assurance; sure


3. verify(核实)- to prove the truth of, as by evidence or testimony; confirm; substantiate




"Are you sure"是一个常用的英语短语,用于询问对方是否对某事情有足够的把握和信心。这个短语通常用来确认某人的说法、行为或决定是否正确或可靠。它可以用于日常交流、商务谈判、学术讨论等各种场合。


1. A: Are you sure you locked the door before we left?

B: Yes, Im sure. I double-checked it.

2. A: Are you sure this is the right way to the restaurant?

B: Im not completely sure, but I think its this way.

3. A: Are you sure about your decision to quit your job?

B: Yes, Ive thought about it carefully and Im sure its the right decision for me.


1. Are you certain? (你确定吗?)

2. Do you have confidence in that? (你对此有信心吗?)

3. Can you guarantee that? (你能保证吗?)


1. Are you unsure? (你不确定吗?)

2. Do you doubt that? (你怀疑吗?)

3. Can you disprove that? (你能否证明不是这样的?)

通过以上词义解释、例句和近义反义词,我们可以更好地理解并运用"are you sure"这个短语。



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