leak test,leak to

野味浪友野味浪友 2024-04-08 10:10:02 9 阅读


1. 渗入,漏出;漏,渗漏;泄露,透露 (v.)

- to allow liquid or gas to enter or escape through a hole or crack; to come in or go out in small amounts

- The faucet is leaking water.

leak test,leak to


- Information about the new product was leaked to the press.


2. 漏洞,裂缝;泄漏出的液体(或气体);泄密;<俚>撒尿 (n.)

- a hole or crack that allows liquid or gas to enter or escape; the liquid or gas that escapes from a hole or crack; the act of telling secret information to someone

- There is a leak in the roof.


- The pipe has a small leak.


- The government is investigating the leak of classified documents.


3. (人名)利克(美、印尼、新等)

- Leak (proper noun)

- Have you met Mr. Leak before?





1. The tank had leaked a small amount of water.


2. The contents of the report were leaked to the media.


3. There is a leak in the roof, and water is coming in.



1. faucet (n.) - a device for controlling the flow of liquid, especially water, from a pipe

- Dont forget to turn off the faucet after using it.


2. investigate (v.) - to carefully examine a situation, event, or crime in order to discover the truth

- The police are investigating the robbery that happened last night.


3. classified (adj.) - kept secret from the public because it contains information that could be dangerous or valuable for national security

- The leaked documents were classified as top secret.



leak [liːk]

1. v. 渗入,漏出;漏,渗漏;泄露,透露

- Water was leaking from the pipe.


- The news about their breakup leaked out yesterday.


2. n. 漏洞,裂缝;泄漏出的液体(或气体);泄密;<俚>撒尿

- There is a leak in the roof.


- The government is investigating the leak of classified information.


3. Leak (n.)(美、印尼、新等)利克(人名)




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