1. 香蕉(名词)- 指一种长而曲折的热带水果,通常呈黄色或绿色,含有丰富的维生素和矿物质。
2. 香蕉(动词)- 非正式用语,意为发疯、发狂。
1. Banana (noun) - A long curved tropical fruit that is typically yellow or green and has rich vitamins and minerals.
2. Go bananas (verb) - An informal expression meaning to go crazy or lose control emotionally.
Banana: [bəˈnænə] (美式)
[bəˈnɑːnə] (英式)
1. 我每天早餐都吃一个香蕉。
I have a banana for breakfast every day.
2. 香蕉是我最喜欢的水果之一。
Banana is one of my favorite fruits.
3. 当他听到好消息时,他简直要发疯了。
He went bananas when he heard the good news.
1. Tropical fruit - A fruit that grows in tropical regions, characterized by its ability to thrive in warm climates.
2. Vitamins - Substances that are essential for the proper functioning of the body, required in small amounts.
3. Minerals - Inorganic substances that are essential for various bodily functions and maintaining overall health.
Banana (noun):
1. A long curved fruit that grows in clusters and has a soft flesh and a yellow or green skin when ripe.
Ex: She peeled a banana and took a bite.
2. A dessert made with sliced bananas, whipped cream, and sometimes ice cream or custard, typically served in layers.
Ex: I love banana splits with all the toppings.
3. A yellow color that is similar to the color of a ripe banana.
Ex: She painted her room in shades of yellow and banana.
4. Slang for a foolish or silly person.
Ex: Stop acting like a banana!
Go bananas (idiom):
1. To become extremely excited or enthusiastic.
Ex: The crowd went bananas when their favorite band took the stage.
2. To become extremely angry or lose control emotionally.
Ex: My mom went bananas when she found out I crashed her car.
3. To behave in an irrational or crazy manner.
Ex: He went bananas at the sight of spiders.
近义词:yellow fruit, tropical fruit
反义词:apple, pear