
画中美人骨画中美人骨 2024-04-07 06:15:03 13 阅读



1. 霸王;大君主;最高统治者;封建领主。例如:He was the overlord of the underworld.(他是地下世界的霸主。)

2. 动作冒险游戏《霸王(Overlord)》的名称。





1. The king was known as the overlord of all the lands. (这位国王被称为所有土地的霸主。)

2. In the game "Overlord," players can choose to become a powerful overlord ruling over a magical fantasy world. (在游戏《霸王》中,玩家可以选择成为一个强大的霸主统治着一个神奇的幻想世界。)

3. The overlord commanded his army with authority and fearlessness. (那位大君主以权威和无畏指挥着他的军队。)


1. supremacy:至高无上;霸权

- 词义:n. the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status.

- 例句:She enjoyed her short period of supremacy before being dethroned by a new overlord.


2. sovereign:君主;统治者

- 词义:n. a supreme ruler, especially a monarch.

- 例句:The sovereign appointed the overlord to govern the distant territory.


3. feudal:封建的

- 词义:adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of feudalism.

- 例句:The overlord held vast feudal territories and had vassals who swore loyalty to him.




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