1. 例子 (lì zi)
- 中文释义:作为模范或参考的事物;可供学习或推敲的事例。
- 英文释义:example;instance;illustration。
- 例句:这个故事是一个很好的例子,可以帮助你理解这个概念。 (This story is a good example that can help you understand the concept.)
2. 榜样 (bǎng yàng)
- 中文释义:可以供他人学习或效仿的人或事物。
- 英文释义:model;exemplar;role model。
- 例句:他是一个勤奋努力的榜样,我们应该向他学习。 (He is a hardworking role model, and we should learn from him.)
3. 范例 (fàn lì)
- 中文释义:具有典型性、典范性的事物。
- 英文释义:paradigm;typical example。
- 例句:这本书提供了很多关于领导力的范例,对于想要提升自己领导能力的人来说非常有价值。 (This book provides many paradigmatic examples of leadership, which are valuable for those who want to improve their leadership skills.)
1. example
2. instance
3. illustration
- example: 美式发音 [ɪɡˈzæmp(ə)l],英式发音 [ɪɡˈzɑːmp(ə)l]
1. 这个例子很好地解释了这个概念。
- This example explains the concept well.
2. 我可以给你提供一些实际的例子来帮助你理解。
- I can provide you with some real-life examples to help you understand.
3. 他是一个成功的榜样,许多人都希望成为像他一样的人。
- He is a successful role model, and many people aspire to be like him.
1. 模范 (mó fàn)
- 中文释义:具有典型性、典范性的人或事物。
- 英文释义:exemplary;model;paragon。
- 例句:他是一个模范学生,总是按时完成作业并积极参与课堂讨论。 (He is an exemplary student who always completes assignments on time and actively participates in class discussions.)
2. 具体例子 (jù tǐ lì zi)
- 中文释义:具体而明确的事例或情况。
- 英文释义:specific example;concrete instance。
- 例句:这本书中提供了许多具体例子,以帮助读者更好地理解相关概念。 (This book provides many specific examples to help readers better understand the relevant concepts.)
3. 引证 (yǐn zhèng)
- 中文释义:引用、援引某一事物或人作为证据或例证。
- 英文释义:cite;quote;refer to.
- 例句:在这篇论文中,作者引证了多个学者的观点来支持自己的论述。 (In this paper, the author cites multiple scholars views to support their argument.)
example [ɪgˈzæmp(ə)l]
1. a thing characteristic of its kind or illustrating a general rule.
- 例子;榜样
- E.g. "the example of good teaching" (良好教学的榜样)
2. a person or thing regarded in terms of their fitness to be imitated or the likelihood of their being imitated.
- 可供仿效的人或事物;模范
- E.g. "she is an example to us all" (她是我们所有人的榜样)
3. a thing that is cited as an illustration or proof.
- 举例子;作为证明
- E.g. "this accident is a perfect example of why we need stricter safety regulations" (这次事故是我们需要更严格安全规定的完美例子)
4. a person or thing serving as a warning or deterrent.
- 作为警示或威慑的人或物
- E.g. "let their fate be an example to others" (让他们的命运成为其他人的警示)
近义词:instance, illustration, case, specimen
反义词:counterexample, exception