1. 女王(名词):国家或地区的统治者,特指女性。英文单词为"queen",读音[kwi:n]。例句:"The queen of England is Elizabeth II."(英国的女王是伊丽莎白二世。)
2. 王后(名词):国王的妻子,也可以指女性君主。英文单词为"queen",读音[kwi:n]。例句:"Queen Victoria was the queen consort of King Edward VII."(维多利亚女王是爱德华七世国王的王后。)
3. 女皇(名词):帝国或强大国家的女性统治者。英文单词为"queen",读音[kwi:n]。例句:"Queen Elizabeth I was one of the most famous queens in history."(伊丽莎白一世是历史上最著名的女皇之一。)
1. queen [kwiːn]:名词,表示女王、王后;及物动词,表示使...成为女王或王后;不及物动词,表示做女王。
- 例句1:"She became queen after her fathers death."(她在父亲去世后成为了女王。)
- 例句2:"The bee queen lays thousands of eggs every day."(蜂王每天产千万个蜜蜂卵。)
- 例句3:"The playing card queen is usually depicted as a woman with a crown."(纸牌中的女王通常被描绘为戴着皇冠的女人。)
2. monarch [ˈmɒnək]:名词,表示君主、帝王;形容词,表示君主的、帝王的。
- 例句1:"The British monarch is the head of state."(英国君主是国家元首。)
- 例句2:"The monarchs power is limited by the constitution."(君主的权力受到宪法的限制。)
3. royal [ˈrɔɪəl]:形容词,表示皇家的、王室的;名词,表示皇室成员。
- 例句1:"The royal family lives in Buckingham Palace."(皇家家族住在白金汉宫。)
- 例句2:"The prince and princess attended the royal wedding."(王子和公主参加了皇家婚礼。)
1. 维多利亚女王的统治持续了六十多年。
Queen Victorias reign lasted for more than sixty years.
2. 在《伊丽莎白2:黄金时代》中,称呼女王也是"Your majesty"。
In "Elizabeth: The Golden Age," the queen is also addressed as "Your majesty."
3. 《罗马假日》中,女性继承人安妮公主被称作"Your Highness"。
In "Roman Holiday," Princess Ann, who is also a female heir, is referred to as "Your Highness."