1. 双元音 (n.) diphthong;a double vowel sound;a gliding monosyllabic speech sound (as the vowel combination at the end of toy) that starts at or near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves to or toward the position of another;
2. 双音节元音 (n.) double vowel;
3. 双重元音 (n.) compound vowel
1. 这个单词的发音是一个双元音。
The pronunciation of this word is a diphthong.
2. 英语中有很多双元音。
There are many diphthongs in English.
3. 我们需要练习正确发音这些双元音。
We need to practice pronouncing these diphthongs correctly.
1. 单词:word
- 中文释义:语言中最小的可独立运用的单位,能表达某种意义,拼写时由一个或几个字母组成。
- 英文释义:the smallest unit of language that can stand alone and convey meaning, consisting of one or more letters when written.
- 例句:我们每天都在学习新的单词。
We learn new words every day.
2. 发音:pronunciation
- 中文释义:将词汇或语言的声音准确地表达出来。
- 英文释义:the way in which a word or language is pronounced.
- 例句:他的英语发音非常标准。
His English pronunciation is very accurate.
3. 元音:vowel
- 中文释义:语音学中指舌头不接触任何部位或只是稍微接触,直接从声流中发出的音。
- 英文释义:a speech sound produced without any obstruction of the vocal tract, typically forming the nucleus of a syllable.
- 例句:英语有五个基本元音字母。
English has five basic vowel letters.