1. 印象派的(adj.)- relating to or characteristic of Impressionism
2. 印象派画家(n.)- a painter who practices or is closely associated with Impressionism
3. 印象主义的(adj.)- of, relating to, or characteristic of Impressionism
1. The museum has a collection of works by famous impressionist artists such as Monet and Renoir. (这个博物馆拥有莫奈和雷诺阿等著名印象派艺术家的作品。)
2. She is known for her impressionistic style of painting, using bold brushstrokes and vibrant colors. (她以她的印象派绘画风格而闻名,使用大胆的笔触和鲜艳的颜色。)
3. The composers music is often described as impressionistic, evoking vivid images and emotions in the listeners mind. (这位作曲家的音乐常被描述为印象主义的,能在听众心中唤起生动的形象和情感。)
1. Impressionism - a style or movement in painting originating in France in the 1860s, characterized by a focus on capturing the fleeting effects of light and color on the natural world, often using loose brushwork and an emphasis on atmosphere and mood.(印象主义 - 一种起源于19世纪60年代法国的绘画风格或运动,其特点是专注于捕捉光线和色彩对自然界的瞬息效果,通常使用宽松的笔触,并强调氛围和情绪。)
2. Painter - an artist who paints pictures or creates works of art using paint as the medium.(画家 - 以绘画为媒介创作图片或艺术作品的艺术家。)
3. Brushstroke - a mark made by a brush in painting, characterized by its width, direction, and texture.(笔触 - 绘画中由画笔创造的标记,其特点是宽度、方向和纹理。)
impressionist [ɪmˈpreʃənɪst]
n. 印象派画家;印象派作曲家;用滑稽方式模仿名流的艺人
adj. 印象派的;印象主义的
来源:Collins COBUILD Advanced Learners English Dictionary
impressionist /ɪmˈpreʃənɪst/ n.
1. 印象主义者; 印象派作家
2. (干草等)堆
impressionist /ɪmˈpreʃənɪst/ n.
1. a painter, composer, or writer who uses impressionism
2. a person who entertains by imitating famous people in a humorous or exaggerated way
来源:Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English